Saturday, October 25, 2014

Job Search #2: Resume Strategies

The resume is often the first impersonal impression you will make with a potential employer. The development your resume consists of many components:  resume writing,  the creation of a professional resume, its format, and the presentation of your value to the employer.

These components need to be integrated into a final professional version. For a comprehensive description of these many aspects of a resume, each with a comprehensive discussion, see the complete resource here.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Job Search #1: When to start a search

When it comes to starting your job search, there’s no time like the present—except, maybe, if the present happens to be during a major life change, a big project at work, or the summertime.

Career experts say job seekers should always be actively looking. The stars will never align perfectly in your job search and if you wait for them to do so, a great opportunity could be missed. 

The best time to look for a new job is when you don’t need one; you just want one. For the complete discussion see the article here.